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I am a work of art.

This is a piece I wrote last summer and I feel it deeply today ✨

We aren't supposed to add filter to things, spark things up, be spontaneous and wild, technicolor, unique, creative. Our life has to be manicured and curated and branded and designed to fit into a little digestible screen. Everything has to work into a box....your body, your mind, your spirit, your health, your birth and death. It all has to look normal and feel good. We shouldn't swear or show our bodies off or riot or rebel or be free folk. Art and everything else has to be studied and mastered in a classroom first and the "experts" always know best and everything requires permission and lack of compassion and it's all so off.




But you know what? I AM art. My very existence makes me divine and extremely worthy of creative, artistic, rebellious, autonomous, expansive self expression. 🌟


And that is where self portrait comes in for me. I am my best subject. It is a therapy for me. A digging in and exploring my many forms of me. It's documenting my constantly transforming SELF. It's being creative with the best i have, finding the magic in the moments and stealing a little bit for later, frozen in time. That mood, that breeze, that emotion, that scenery, that moment..... It all counts. This one is a stolen, sweaty smoke break in the backyard as my babes played with their daddy inside and I contemplated life and carambolas trees. 🌟



And self expression IS creation. It is birth and life and death and rebirth all the time. It is vibrating your heart song out into the stratosphere, allowing it to be offered up to the stars as therapy for someone else. It is humanity and staying connected to the source. It is being a voice and a lantern for others to hear and see when they need it more than ever. 🌟



Whether your form of creative self expression is painting or dancing or spoken word or story telling or baking cake or taking selfies or making babies or hosting dinners or playing the flute....whatever makes you light up inside, don't ever stop doing it. The world needs what we have to share. I promise. We gotta stop dimming our shine 🌟

I love you.

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